Undergraduate Research Symposium

Discovering the Future Together

May 12-16 2025

Photo Collage of Symposium events

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) hosts the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium, an annual week-long event in May that offers hundreds of undergraduates the opportunity to present the results of their research or creative activities in a professional setting. The 2025 Symposium will include innovative art performances as well as oral and poster presentations from undergraduates in all majors and disciplines.

This free event draws thousands of attendees, including undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni, family, friends, and other members of the community. We hope you will join us in celebrating the great accomplishments of our talented student researchers!

The countdown is on!  Scroll down to see how you can participate.








Student Research

Presentations are grouped into topic clusters. Clusters may include students from different majors and disciplines. The 2025 topic list will be available in April 2024. To get an idea of the breadth of topics presented you can view content from 2024 by visiting the UROP Hub.

Student Performances

Students from Claire Trevor School of the Arts will showcase their research through live performances during two sessions on May 16. See the schedule below.


The ultimate Reverse Fair! Whether you are offering internships or entry-level career opportunities you will find top candidates who are building the soft skills you need: critical thinking, communication, time management, and personal drive to name a few. You can also easily identify and connect with students who are building the professional skills you want and need from your next hire.

Join us as a Judge

Judges are needed in four categories:

  • Virtual Oral Presentation Audition Videos
  • In-Person Oral Presentation Spotlights
  • Virtual Poster Audition Videos
  • In-Person Poster and Performance Showcases

Express your interest in presentation judging here

(2025 link will be posted in early spring)

Virtual Judge

  1. Judges are needed to review and score videos to help us select the top 40 researcher projects that will be presented over four evening sessions, May 12-15. Video judges will be provided with a link to a set of videos that can be viewed at any time during the assigned judging window (approximately 5 days). Submit scores and feedback online to help select presenters for the Oral Presentation Spotlights.
  2. Judges are needed to review and score videos to help us select the Poster Showcase finalists. Selected finalists will present to an in-person judging committee at the May 16 Poster and Performance Showcase at the Bren Event Center. Video judges will be provided with a link to a set of videos that can be viewed at any time during the assigned judging window (approximately 5 days). Submit scores and feedback online to help select presenters for the In-person Poster Showcase.

Oral Presentation Spotlight Judge

Four nights to deliver 40 presentations. All oral presentation sessions will be held Monday through Thursday, May 12-15 from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm.  Each night will include an interdisciplinary mix of presentations. All in-person presenters will be recognized as recipients of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research. The top presenting individual or team from each night, as decided by a team of judges, will also receive a monetary award.

Poster and Performance Showcase Judge

This all-day event will provide the opportunity to deep dive into undergraduate research. Walk the floor and talk to students about their projects, findings, and how they have grown through the process. The creative majors will host two performance showcases featuring multiple researchers per showcase who will demonstrate innovative research in the Arts. The top posters in each theme, as determined by the judges, will be recognized as a recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research. The top poster presenter or team in each theme will also receive a cash award.

The Symposium Schedule will be posted soon!

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