Symposium Student Presenter Information
What is the Symposium?
Learn about what the Undergraduate Research Symposium is and how you can get involved!
Ways to Present at Symposium
Discover the different ways you can present at the Symposium.
Presenter Registration and Guide
View detailed instructions for starting your presenter registration.
Symposium Timeline
Review how to prepare for the Symposium and plan your presentation experience.
FAQ & Resources
Find available resources for creating your Symposium registration and presentation.
What is the Symposium?
The UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium is an annual event held in May where hundreds of UCI undergraduates share and present the results of their research or creative activities. Four evenings of oral presentations will lead up to the Poster and Performance Showcase, a day featuring poster presentations and inspired performances from the School of the Arts hosted at the Bren Event Center. See highlights from last year.
Mark your calendar for May 13 – 17, 2024, and join us for a full week of activities with the theme, Shine in the Spotlight. We encourage all students, faculty, staff, and community members to attend and celebrate with us.
Oral Presentation Spotlights: Monday, May 13 - Thursday, May 16, 2024
Symposium week kicks off May 13 – 16 with four nights of select in-person oral presentations that highlight the themes: insights, innovations, inspirations, and impacts. Students who would like to do an oral presentation will submit a short audition video and finalists will be invited to present at one of the four themed nights from 5-7 pm in the UCI Student Center (room location TBA).
Poster and Performance Showcase: Friday, May 17, 2024
The week culminates in an exciting all-day event on Friday, May 17 from 10:30 am – 4:45 pm at the UCI Bren Events Center, where all undergraduate students can present their research via Poster Presentations in one of two poster sessions. Two arts showcases will also take place, featuring a variety of student artistic performances. We encourage all presenters to enjoy the full day of activities by engaging with the poster presenters, watching artistic performances, and networking with industry representatives.
Corporate sponsors will be tabling and we highly recommend students to bring their resumes/CVs. The purpose of corporate tabling at the Symposium is to provide corporations with the opportunity to interact and network with attendees and student presenters. Networking offers the chance to establish connections and potentially secure future jobs and internships! Click here for more information.
Ways to Present at Symposium
We welcome all UCI undergraduate students who have participated in a faculty-mentored research project or creative activity during the last year. Specific registration requirements for each presentation category are explained in the Student Presenter Information Guide. All students who received UROP funding and or recognition within the last year are required to register and present. UCI students do not need to have received a previous UROP fellowship or award to apply for the Symposium.
Presenters have the opportunity to win a $100 gift card, a medal, and an award signed by UCI Chancellor Howard Gillman! Must be present at the Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 17 from 4-4:45 pm to win.

Poster Presentation
Communicate your research project through a visually engaging poster format and a brief verbal explanation. Two in-person poster presentations will take place at the Bren Events Center on May 17, 2024. Both sessions will feature the same themes, each displaying a unique selection of posters.

Oral Presentation
A structured 7-minute talk to an audience where you present your research project, often supported by visual aids like slides. Presenters will be selected through a competitive process. If you wish to be considered for an in-person oral presentation, you must create a 3-minute audition video as part of your Student Presenter Registration.

Arts Performance
Two arts performance showcases will take place on Friday, May 17. Both sessions will feature a variety of student arts performances between 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm and 3:15 pm to 4:00 pm. Performances are by invitation only and are selected by the Claire Trevor School of the Arts.
Presenter Registration and Guide
Students who will be presenting MUST read the Symposium Student Presenter Information Guide to learn more about the different presentation opportunities and the registration requirements. All students who received UROP funding and or recognition within the last year are required to register and present.
The submission process consists of two parts. Complete both parts by their respective deadlines to participate in the event:
Student Presenter Registration has Closed
The Deadline to Register to Present at Symposium has passed and registration has closed. Late Registrations cannot be accepted.
Part 1 - Presenter Registration Deadline: April 10, 2024
Review the Student Presenter Guide
For the April 10 deadline, you will need the following information:
Applicant Information:
- Names and other information for each presenter
Project Information:
- Project title and abstract
Mentor Information:
- Names and other information for each mentor
Presentation Information:
- Choose between individual or group presentation
- Choose between poster and oral presentation
Late Registrations will NOT be accepted.
Part 2 - Presenter Profile Deadline: May 6, 2024
In late April, we will return your application to you. You will receive an email with instructions on how to build your presenter profile. Your presenter profile will be available publicly on our online 2024 Symposium Program.
Late Program Profile materials will NOT be accepted.
Symposium Preparation Timeline

FAQs & Resources
View the Frequently Asked Questions and Symposium resources below for support with your registration process. Included are links to information sessions/workshop registrations and previous examples of presentations from 2023’s Symposium.
General Questions
I’m a UROP fellow, do I still need to register to present?
Yes, you are responsible for registering to present. You must complete both parts of the submission process by their respective deadlines. Group projects should designate one person to register on behalf of the group.
If I’ve never done a UROP fellowship, can I still participate in the 2024 UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium?
Yes! All faculty-mentored undergraduate students are invited to participate in the 2024 UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium.
I made a mistake in the “Presenter Registration Form.” What do I do?
Do not make a new registration form for the same project. Contact UROP for help.
Can I present more than once in person?
No student may do more than one in-person individual presentation.
If you are involved in more than one individual research project(s), you may present more than one individual project digitally by submitting a 3-minute video per project. These videos will then be included in our online 2024 Symposium Program.
Follow the steps below if you would like to submit a video(s):
- Submit an individual “presenter registration” application per additional research project (Deadline April 10, 11:59 pm). Submit project information & select “no” for the question that states “Is this an in-person presentation?”
- Record your 3-minute video through any format you choose (e.g., Zoom recording, Video recording, etc.) & upload it to YouTube.
- Include your video link(s) to the “Presenter Profile” application(s) (Deadline May 6, 11:59 pm)
Can I do an individual project and a group project?
Students are limited to one in-person individual presentation & may only present one project. If applicable, students may also participate in an in-person group presentation, in addition to their individual presentation. Please ensure you coordinate your availability between the multiple projects you intend to present.
I graduated early in the fall or winter of the 2023-24 school year and am a 2023-2024 UROP fellow. Can I present?
Yes! The Symposium is open to recent graduated students who have completed their undergraduate degree within the last academic cycle. However, you are not required to present if you are no longer a current UCI student.
Oral Presentation Questions
I applied for an in-person oral presentation. What’s next?
Wait to be notified if you have been selected as a finalist.
If you are a UROP fellow and have not been selected as a finalist, you must present an in-person presentation.
If you are a non-UROP fellow and are not selected as a finalist, you can select if you would like to do an in-person presentation in your presenter registration as an alternative option (Deadline April 10, 11:59 pm). Presenting an in-person poster is not required for you.
I only want to post a video and not present in person. What do I do?
If you are registering to present a video oral presentation*, you will not upload your video for the Presenter Registration Deadline. You will upload a link to your presentation for the May 6 Presenter Profile Deadline.
*As a reminder, all UROP Fellows are required to do an in-person presentation, whether that is an in-person oral presentation or an in-person poster presentation. Non-UROP Fellows have the option to only present a video oral presentation.
Do I get awarded for being a finalist in a judged oral presentation?"
Yes! First-place finalists will receive a $100 gift card, a medal, and an award signed by Chancellor Howard Gillman. First-place winners must be present at the Award Ceremony on Friday, May 17 to receive their award.
Can I nominate a post-doc for the Chancellor’s Award?
At this time, we will not be accepting nominations for post-docs.
What is the maximum number of students that can present in a in-person group presentation?
For in-person oral presentations:
- There is no maximum number of students allowed.
For in-person poster presentations:
- If you are presenting with an easel, you may have up to 3 students at a time due to limited space. If additional students are involved in the project, you may choose to rotate presentation duties among group members or select up to 3 leads to present throughout the entirety of your session.
- If you are presenting at a table, there is no maximum number of students allowed.
I presented at the 2023 Fall Project Pitch Challenge. Can I reuse the video I made for that for the Symposium presenter registration?
Students are welcome to present on the same content/project from Project Pitch Challenge. However, they are expected to submit a new video. It is okay if the majority of the content is similar to the Project Pitch video.
Poster Presentation Questions
I registered for a poster presentation. What’s next?
Create your poster! All undergraduate students with a UCI Faculty Mentor can do a poster presentation, so you do not need to wait to be “accepted”. Use the resources in the guide and come to our poster workshops for additional assistance. Click here for Logo Resources that can be added to your poster!
I printed my poster. What's next?
Bring your printed poster with you to the Bren Events Center on May 17. If you are presenting during Session A, bring your poster by 9:45 AM. If you are presenting during Session B, bring your poster to the Bren Events by 12:45 PM.
What does it mean when it asks if I want my poster to be judged?
On May 17 at the Poster and Performance Showcase, judges will be walking throughout the Bren Events Center. If you indicate if you would like your poster to be judged, that means 1) your poster will be scored through a rubric and 2) you will have the opportunity to win a $100 gift card, medal, and an award signed by UCI Chancellor Howard Gillman. Must be present at the Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 17 from 4-4:45 pm to win.
What if I can't make it to my check-in time but can make my session time?
Please try to be as prompt as possible and ensure that you are checked in and ready to present prior to the start of your poster session.
What if I'm not done with my project yet?
Students are not expected to be completely finished with their project. If you do not have final results to share, include preliminary results or expected results in your presentation.
If you need further guidance, please make an appointment with a UROP staff advisor.
I presented my project at last year’s symposium. Can I present the same project again?
Yes, you can present the same project again in this year’s symposium. However, it’s important to consider whether any updates or improvements have been made to the project since last year.
What is the corporate tabling at the Poster and Performance Showcase?
Corporate sponsors will be tabling and we highly recommend students to bring their resumes/CVs. The purpose of corporate tabling at the Symposium is to provide corporations with the opportunity to interact and network with attendees and student presenters. Networking offers the chance to establish connections and potentially secure future jobs and internships! Keep in mind that some of these corporations may be actively recruiting for their company, so it’s essential to be prepared in case they approach you while you’re presenting or you visit their table to learn more about their opportunities. Click here for more information.
The 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium Program is live!
Check out the 2023 Symposium program for examples of last year’s posters, recorded oral presentations, and abstracts.
Need help?
First, review the Student Presenter Information Guide. Then, if you still have questions, contact UROP for assistance.