Frequently Asked Questions
Start Research
How can I "Do UROP?"
You do not sign up for research through UROP; research is a relationship between you and your faculty mentor. Our role is to support you in your undergraduate research journey, and you can take advantage of any of our programs that interest you. UROP Advisors can coach you on how to discover your research interests, find a faculty mentor, and apply for funding to help you reach your goals.
Why should I do research?
Research is an opportunity to personalize and enhance your education. By delving deeply into a project that excites you, you’ll apply knowledge from your classes, gain important skills, make real-world contributions, and develop relationships that can last for years. One great reason to try research is to see if it’s something that appeals to you. Research experience can also be an important asset in graduate school and job applications.
Where can I learn how to get into research?
Attend a Workshop or watch the workshop recordings to learn about your options. Visit our main web page’s “Getting Started” section (scroll toward the bottom). Follow the steps and use the recommended tools. If you still need help after you do so, schedule an appointment with a UROP Advisor or Ambassador.
Do I have to be a certain major to do research?
We encourage students from all majors to get involved in research, and your project does not have to be related to your major. Find a topic that excites you, whether it’s related to your major or not.
What kind of research can I engage in?
Common types of projects include:
- Individual & Group Projects
- Laboratory, Design, or Artistic Projects
- Senior Theses/Literature Reviews
- Scholarly Work in Humanities/Social Sciences
- Surveys/Interviews/Psychology Experiments/Observational Studies
How much of a time commitment is required?
Generally, 10-15 hours per week during the academic year. Most faculty mentors would like a commitment of at least one year. Summer commitments vary and typically range from 15-30 hours per week (average 20 hours per week).
Can I get academic credit for the time I spend on my project?
Many students take 199 or other Independent Study courses and get academic credit (from 1-5 units). Talk with your faculty mentor if you’re interested in receiving academic credit for your research.
How should I find a potential faculty mentor?
- Start with faculty you know; go to office hours to get to know them and learn more about their research
- Review faculty profiles on the UCI Faculty Profile System
- Review their publications on Google Scholar
- Check their personal and lab websites
- Use the Sample Faculty Email to contact them
Are there GPA or other requirements for participating in research?
While there are no campus-wide eligibility requirements, individual faculty may have their own standards for students they will mentor.
UROP Recognition and Funding
How can I receive funding or recognition for my project?
We offer programs throughout the year to support your research project or creative activity. See our “UROP Recognition and Funding” page for information, deadlines and links to application forms.
Can I apply for UROP funding if I'm working as part of a lab?
Students conducting many types of research, including laboratory work, can apply for recognition and funding during the academic year and summer.
Can international students submit research proposals for funding?
Yes. You can apply as long as you are a UCI undergraduate in good academic standing.
Can I apply for Fall and Summer Proposals in the same year?
Yes. You can submit Fall and SURP (summer) proposals for different projects or the same project, although you are limited to one funded individual project within the same call (you can also participate in funded Fall group projects). Funded awards for Fall proposals reimburse you for project-related costs; SURP stipends are in support of your time and effort.
How can I learn about the Undergraduate Research Symposium?
See our Symposium page for information about the Symposium, including tips for presenters, registration to attend, and program links for past events.
Who can participate in the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium? Who can attend?
Any UCI undergraduate conducting a faculty-mentored research project or creative activity may apply to present at the Symposium. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Can I present more than one research project or creative activity at the Symposium?
Students may present only one individual project, but may also participate in a group presentation.
Research Discovery Program
Undergraduate Mentees
Am I eligible to apply?
You are eligible to apply to be a Mentee if:
1) summer or fall 2024 is your first term attending UCI
2) you have no previous college or university-level research experience
3) you will be enrolled and attending UCI in person through at least spring quarter 2025.
Students who are committed to diversity and have overcome significant challenges are strongly encouraged to apply!
Will I be doing research as a part of the program?
Students will not be conducting research as a part of the Research Discovery Program. This program is designed to prepare students for future research opportunities.
Do I have to enroll in the course for both winter and spring quarters to participate in the program?
Yes, students must be enrolled in the course for both winter and spring. Students will receive 1 unit per quarter, equalling two units for the program. A passing grade for both quarters is required to complete the program.
Can I participate in the program remotely?
The Research Discovery Program is designed to prepare students to conduct college-level research, which includes networking and building connections with others. With that purpose in mind, this program is strictly in person.
What is the hourly commitment per week?
Undergraduate mentees are required to attend one 50-minute class per week and will be expected to complete approximately two hours of work per week, outside of the classroom.
Is my Mentor guaranteed to have experience in my field of choice?
A great amount of care is taken in matching graduate student mentors with undergraduate mentees. However, there is no guarantee that your mentor will have experience in your major. Matches are determined using the students’ school, major, or research interest.
In the event you are not matched with a mentor in your major, the program is designed so that all students benefit equally from their mentorship experience.
Graduate Mentors
Am I eligible to apply?
UCI graduate students from any discipline, who have completed the Mentorship Excellence Program (MEP), will be enrolled through spring 2025, and are able to attend RDP in person are eligible to apply.
Please note that preference is given to those who have not participated in the Research Discovery Program in previous years.
Students who are committed to diversity and have overcome significant challenges are strongly encouraged to apply!
Will there be training for Mentors?
Yes, mentors are required to attend training before the start of winter quarter. Exact date TBD.
How many undergraduate Mentees will I be working with?
Each graduate student mentor will be matched with four undergraduate student mentees.
Can I participate in the program remotely?
In the interest of providing greater networking and skill building opportunities for both mentors and mentees, the Research Discovery Program is strictly in person.
What is the hourly commitment per week?
Mentors will complete approximately two hours of work per week. This work includes but is not limited to in-person group meeting, in-person individual meetings, and grading. Mentors will be required to attend select class meetings, exact dates TBD.
Will my Mentees be working in my field of study?
A great amount of care is taken in matching graduate student mentors with undergraduate mentees. However, there is no guarantee that your mentee will be an exact match for your expertise. Matches are determined using the students’ school, major, or research interest.
In the event you are not matched with a mentee in your exact field, the program is designed so that all students benefit equally from their mentorship experience.
Can I have my research published?
Publishing can be an exciting conclusion to your research project, and we encourage you to consult with your faculty mentor about opportunities that might be available to you. This overview of the publication process can provide some things to consider as you explore publication options.
What if I have more questions?
Follow the steps under our main web page’s “Getting Started” section so that we can assist you.