Session: Oral 2, May 21, 2021 3:0pam – 4:30pm
Room: Economics & Political Science
Moderator: Libby Weber
Co-Moderator: Anshuman Sinha
Recording Link: Click Here
Presenters/topics below are in order of presentation. Each presentation was approximately 10 minutes long.  Move the video forward in 10-minute increments to skip to the next topic. 

Presenter Name(s) Project Title
Olivia Zhang How Patrimonialism Affects the Environmental Sustainability of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Southeast Asia?
Kimo Gandall Prediciting Policy: A Psycholinguistic Artificial Intelligence in the United Nations
Alex Wang
Matthew Reyna Hacking, Disinformation, and Geopolitics
Christopher Cordes The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and the American Worker: How Altering the Corporate Tax Rate Impacts Job Availability
Kathryn Feith Financial Innovations, Banking Incentives, and the Strength of the U.S. Banking System; Understanding how Financial Innovations and Banking Incentives Contributed to the 2008 Financial Crisis and Evaluating the Strength of the Banking System Through the Derivatives to Assets Ratio
Romeo Ignacio Predicting Banking Failure
Abhishek Devarajan