Session: Oral 2, May 21, 2021 3:0pam – 4:30pm
Room: Psychological Aspects of COVID-19
Moderator: Rebecca R. Thompson, Ph.D
Co-Moderator: Beatriz Galeana
Recording Link: Pending Conversion
Presenters/topics below are in order of presentation. Each presentation was approximately 10 minutes long.  Move the video forward in 10-minute increments to skip to the next topic. 


Presenter Name(s) Project Title
Courtney Tom Providing Telephone Support to Family Caregivers of People with Dementia during the

COVID-19 ‘Stay-At-Home’ Order

Tiffany Tran
Edna (Ivonne) Zamora Gil The Relationship Between COVID-19 Related Stress, and Depressive Symptoms Among Ethnic Minority Undergraduate Students
Katerina Christhilf Examining the Validity of Existing Measures of Risk Propensity with Respect to Individual Actions During COVID-19
Erika Moe Green Space and COVID-19: How Does this COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Outdoor Appreciation and Coping?
Sorina Long Through Our Eyes, Hear Our Stories
Leyna Tran
Chloe Low
Jessica Gabriela Ramirez
Shruthi Tuplur An analysis on overcoming the ramifications of COVID-19 on nonprofits serving low-income communities
Edwin Bermudez
Andrea Valentini Mental and Physical Wellness in Collegiate Dancers Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jessica Ruth
John Robb Examining the Potential Moderating Influence of Cultural Values on COVID-19-related Depression Alleviation from Gratitude Journaling in Asian American Undergraduate Students
Apphia Freeman Psychological impact of collective trauma