Session: Oral 2, May 21, 2021 3:0pam – 4:30pm
Room: Healthcare/Public Health
Moderator: Michael Hoyt
Co-Moderator: Sophia Aredas
Recording Link: Pending Conversion
Presenters/topics below are in order of presentation. Each presentation was approximately 10 minutes long.  Move the video forward in 10-minute increments to skip to the next topic. 

Presenter Name(s) Project Title
John Robb “She Told Me To Be Quiet”: A Qualitative Study Comparing Healthcare & Social Service Experiences with Perceptions of Biomedical Research Participation Among Hispanic/Latinx Adults
Celeste Villegas
Sarah Wang Assessment of College Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Antibiotics Stewardship
Danielle Chavez Understanding the Expectations of Care for Low Income Patients Accessing Group Medical Visits
Jacqueline Alvarez Assessing Technological Literacy within Latinx Communities in Orange County during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Paola Duran
Alexandra Garcia Examining COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Hypertensive Spanish-speaking Latinx of Orange County
Danielle Chavez
Olivia Longhetto Understanding the Relationship Between Workspace Environment and Current Mindfulness Practices to Improve Health and Well-Being Outcomes for Telecommuting Workers at the University of California, Irvine
Katie Lee