DeWayne Williams

January 27, 2025


Department: Psychological Science

Research interests: Psychology; Health Disparities; Psychophysiology

How did you develop an interest in mentoring undergraduate research, and what type of projects have you directed?

As an undergraduate researcher many years ago, I collaborated with faculty and undergraduate researchers alike on a variety of projects. This gave me great insight into the importance of diversity in science; we can make great progress due to young and innovative minds, working together to solve a common or similar problems. Therefore, mentoring undergraduate researchers is an aspect of my academic duties that I love!

What recommendations and advice would you give students embarking on undergraduate research?

It may feel daunting to approach faculty to inquire about research, however please do not hesitate, as most of us welcome it! Be courageous in your exploration of research, and feasible in the search for your own independent work.

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